Friday, February 3, 2012

Exercise and a Nice Day for Outside

I finally figured out how I could exercise downstairs when the girls are here.  This is the view from my elliptical.  I blocked Bridget in and there were several different things to do that they haven't seen in awhile.  Papa came in to make sure Bridget didn't tip over the horse.  It worked very well this time. 

The girls were outside over 2 hours today.  They drove and rode on everything, threw rocks over the bank, and walked all over.  Papa had made them smoothies, so right before coming in we had a little picnic outside.  Bridget managed to spill some of her smoothie that made the dogs happy.  They also had crackers and cookies.  Most of the time the dogs waited patiently for any food to be dropped.  When we did come in Bridget was so unhappy.  When I took off her boots she wouldn't let go of them for a long time. 

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