Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dancing Girl

Bridget was so funny as she was dancing.  She got the little keyboard and brought it into the living room.  She knew where the button was to keep playing songs and she would push the button over and over while she spun around and around.  I was amazed at how long she could spin around without falling down.  Eventually she would fall down and then get up and keep "dancing" until she fell down again.  If no one was in the living room to watch she would let out a yell and come get one of us to watch.  Bridget also likes to wear the hula skirt when she "dances".  Sophie would stay out of the way and watch carefully.

Today Jillian wanted to try the jeep at the fast speed which made me nervous.  I wouldn't let Bridget ride with her when she had it on fast speed and Bridget would run behind her wanting to get on.  Also since it was high speed I wanted to run with Jillian beside the jeep and that was work but good exercise.

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