Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Computer Girl

It must be because she is four years old, that today she learned how to use the mouse and click to do the Starfall kid's program.  Papa sat with her for a long time until she got it down pretty good and then she only wanted to do it herself.  She would click around on the program to discover new things I didn't even know were there.  She did Starfall for about an hour before lunch.  This is great!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bridget is a runner! We get to see this (see the video) everytime Bridget grabs something she shouldn't have, or when we chase after her. Wow, is she fast!

Jillian's 4th Birthday

Just ask Jillian how old she is, and she'll hold up the four fingers and tell you "4"! And she's already looking forward to the next birthday, since she's been telling us she'll be five then.

We had her birthday bash at our house on Sunday, "after the volleyball tournament" as Jillian has been reminding us all week. She dressed up in her favorite pretty dress for the party. Lots of friends and relatives came to wish her a happy birthday, so the house was full. The theme for the party was "princesses", so there were streamers, plates, cups and favors along those lines. And of course, the cake had Sleeping Beauty, Belle and a light-up Cinderella on top. After blowing out the candle, Jillian sampled the frosting (as shown in the photo).

Jillian received many nice presents that she was so thrilled to open up, and she's been playing with them non-stop. It's a good thing the party was on Sunday, though, because Jillian came down with a virus and has been laying low with a fever since then. Oh well.

Friday, February 24, 2012

First Haircut

Bridget's baby hair was always longer than her hair that came in later, so today it was time to even it up.  First the high chair so she couldn't get away and then some food to detract her.  Even then after wetting it down she wasn't sure what was going on.  After cutting the sides to match the back I had to put her up at the counter to make sure the back was even and that was a challenge as she saw lots of other things to do besides sit quietly. 

Here is the pretty girl, still with curls.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bridget and Sophie

I'm not sure how Bridget manages to get hold of Sophie to hold her but it happens many times.  Maybe Bridget has food on her fingers or Sophie likes it as Sophie is pretty good at getting away fast.  Sophie is very patient as long as Bridget doesn't grab a handful of hair and pull, which happens sometimes.  But Bridget is getting better at holding Sophie nicely and likes to pat her.  She gets to give Sophie her treat after Sophie goes potty outside.  At first she wasn't sure about the teeth on the dogs, but both Sophie and Mocha(equality) take it gently.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snuggle Time

Mommy was relaxing on the sofa, and Jillian decided to join her. Then, to everyone's surprise, she said "Daddy, can you take a picture of Mommy and me snuggling?" Of course, I ran to get the camera and took the picture, because these opportunities are rare. Mommy was happy, because she always enjoys a good snuggle from her Sweetie-Pie.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bridget Becoming a Reader

Bridget is now always bringing you books to read with her.  After several books I now say you have to read on your own and she will now do that some of the time.  This book is a scratch and feel book that she enjoys doing but it seems like her favorite books are the ones with flaps to see what's under the flap.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dancing Girl

Bridget was so funny as she was dancing.  She got the little keyboard and brought it into the living room.  She knew where the button was to keep playing songs and she would push the button over and over while she spun around and around.  I was amazed at how long she could spin around without falling down.  Eventually she would fall down and then get up and keep "dancing" until she fell down again.  If no one was in the living room to watch she would let out a yell and come get one of us to watch.  Bridget also likes to wear the hula skirt when she "dances".  Sophie would stay out of the way and watch carefully.

Today Jillian wanted to try the jeep at the fast speed which made me nervous.  I wouldn't let Bridget ride with her when she had it on fast speed and Bridget would run behind her wanting to get on.  Also since it was high speed I wanted to run with Jillian beside the jeep and that was work but good exercise.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Another Busy Day

I had just put Jillian's hair up in a silver sparkling wrap and she had on her princess dress, pretty pink bracelet and sparkly shoes.  She decided she would pose for me so I took several pictures so she could see how she looked in all her glamour.  On one picture she put her hands on her neck and on one she put her arms behind her head.  She was all very proper as a princess would be.  As soon as I took a picture she wanted to look at it.  When these opportunities come you take advantage of it as normally she runs from the camera.

I had just read Jillian the story of the Valentine Cat.  It was about a cat that was abandoned and neglected for most of its life so Jillian was feeling very protective of Sophie, so she wrapped Sophie in a blanket and sat with her for a very long time.  Sophie took it very well and remained calm throughout, but she got excited and jumped down when Mommy came.
The girls got out for awhile this afternoon and had fun with Papa who gave them thrill rides in the little cars.  Most of the time they were squealing with laughter or intent on racing as Papa would let one get ahead of the other.  I don't know who had more fun.  Then they played The Three Little Pigs with Papa being the wolf and they would hide from him.  Even Bridget got in the game by hiding wherever Jillian went.  

One on One Time

When Jillian is at pre-school, Bridget is busy trying everything by herself.  She concentrated hard on this maze, moving the blocks from one side to the other with just a little help from me.
Next was working on going down the stairs safely.  She did real well going down backwards cautiously or sitting on her bottom and scooting downstairs. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Exercise and a Nice Day for Outside

I finally figured out how I could exercise downstairs when the girls are here.  This is the view from my elliptical.  I blocked Bridget in and there were several different things to do that they haven't seen in awhile.  Papa came in to make sure Bridget didn't tip over the horse.  It worked very well this time. 

The girls were outside over 2 hours today.  They drove and rode on everything, threw rocks over the bank, and walked all over.  Papa had made them smoothies, so right before coming in we had a little picnic outside.  Bridget managed to spill some of her smoothie that made the dogs happy.  They also had crackers and cookies.  Most of the time the dogs waited patiently for any food to be dropped.  When we did come in Bridget was so unhappy.  When I took off her boots she wouldn't let go of them for a long time.