Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Stuff XLIV

Since it's been awhile, some of this might seem more like old stuff. But here goes:

1. Scary Talk : Jillian doesn't like it when Daddy uses his "scary" voice when reading a story to her. She says "Daddy, don't say that, it scares my little sister."

2. Monsters and Ghosts : For whatever reason, Jillian has started telling us about monsters and ghosts, and that they scare her. Usually, the monsters and ghosts are somewhere in her room, but we haven't seen any yet.

3. Putsy the Puppy : The puppy talk has reached all-new highs recently, with Jillian saying that she is going to name her puppy "Putsy". She's still asking us to think about it.

4. Clever Talk : Recently, Jillian was asking Mommy a question, and when Mommy responded, Jillian said "That's so clever."

5. The Meaning of the Razzy : It's apparent when Bridget is done eating solid foods, or if she doesn't like what she's eating. She does a full-out razzy, sometimes with food in her mouth, which makes an incredible mess. It looks like we need to work on baby-signing for "all done".

6. Stairs Curiosity : Grannie's house is one of the places that Bridget plays at that has stairs. Bridget has checked them out many times, and even gone ahead and tried to go down (with someone waiting for her), but this ended up as a head-first dive down the stairs.

7. Jillian's Shadow : With Bridget's speed at crawling, she does a pretty decent job at keeping up with Jillian wherever she goes. And Bridget loves to follow her big sister around. Rarely does Jillian get to play alone, since Bridget is right on her heels and wanting to play with her.

8. Briarcliff Pool : We changed directions a little bit, and decided to take Jillian to swim lessons in Rainier at the Briarcliff Pool. We had heard it was a great place for kids to learn to swim, and so far, it looks pretty good. It's a very busy place, and the instructors keep the kids going all the time, so Jillian has gotten a little more comfortable with the water. She still likes swimming, so that's a positive.

9. Letting Go : No pictures of this yet, since it's hard to tell when it might happen, but Bridget is starting to let go while standing up. Her balance is becoming a little more stable, with not so many of the wobblies. But, she won't perform on demand; if we hold her up and let go, she immediately drops to the floor into her crawling position.

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