Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Sleeper

After less than a week, it is becoming apparent that Bridget will be Mommy's little sleeping and snuggle-buddy. The girl likes to sleep. She has no problems falling asleep, and will usually sleep for quite a long time (3+ hours); then, we have to wake her up for her feedings, and that's not always an easy task. We've found that the best way to wake Bridget up is to change her diaper, which she doesn't always care for. Even then, she'll often fall back asleep between the changing table and Mommy.

The funny thing about it is, Bridget and Jillian are very different when it comes to sleep. Jillian was a light sleeper as a baby, and our struggles were usually with getting her to go to sleep and then stay asleep; waking her up was never a problem.

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