Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day at the Doctors

It was time for the follow-up checks at the doctors today for both Bridget and Mommy. Since Jillian wasn't interested in sitting the waiting rooms, she got dropped off at Grandpa Ken's house to spend the afternoon playing there and then with Cousin Adam later. Once again, Bridget traveled all the way to Vancouver without a peep, sleeping the whole way.

The first stop was the lactation nurse at SWMC. She got Bridget stripped down and weighed her at 8 lbs 1 oz, which was up from the last weighing on Sunday. Then, Mommy breastfed her for about 20 minutes, afterwhich the nurse weighed her again. It showed that Bridget had gotten about 1 oz of milk during the feeding. Mommy was very happy to hear that! The nurse informed us that typically during the first week, a baby will need to be fed up to 20 times a day. Hmm. That doesn't leave much time for sleeping. Though, we aren't exactly getting much sleep anyways.

The second stop was OBGYN, where a nurse removed Mommy's staples from her tummy. Mommy felt so much better afterwards. So, once the appointments were done, we headed back home so Mommy and Bridget could get back to their round-the-clock feeding.

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