Friday, October 26, 2012


I borrowed another picture from Dianne because hers were better than mine.  The girls went to visit the twins and Dianne had made cupcakes so the girls could frost them and decorate with sprinkles.  Bridget wasn't sure what to do at first but then picked it right up.  They made some yummy tasty cupcakes. 
Then they played with the Play-Doh for a long time.  Jillian and Harper played with the horses together for quite awhile while Bridget and Ava went their separate ways to play.
After we got home I put the girls down for a nap and shortly after Tierney, Cale, Ty, and Brock came so Jillian got to get up to see them.  When she finally had her nap she was definitely ready.
Then they got to go see Cousins Andy and Adam at Meagan's Senior Night.  After all that running around they had a very good night's sleep.

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