Friday, September 7, 2012

Busy, Busy Girls

Bridget sees older sister continually playing with dolls so to keep up with sister she wanted a set too.  Just like big sister, Bridget set up the dollhouse, talked to the dolls, had them talking to each other, and going to town in the doll's little car.  This was early in the morning.  Later it was outside for the rest of the day.  Papa took them for a walk in the woods, then Grannie took them for a walk and decided it was much easier  to use the little tractor to ride around.  Jillian steered the whole time, and thank goodness, she has the steering pretty well mastered. 
Jillian spent a lot of time twisting the rope around on the swing and unwinding.  She would get off and be dizzy for awhile and then do it over and over again.

The girls spent the night.  Jillian got to sleep in the hide-a-bed in the playroom.  She was thrilled with that. It didn't go as well with Sophie sleeping with her as opposed to the nap, as Sophie kept jumping down and scratching on the door.  Finally Jillian said Sophie could leave and she fell asleep on her own.  Bridget went to bed early and slept all night without getting up.  Wow!

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