Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

It was 7:00 am, and Jillian was half-asleep when Daddy asked her "Who do you think came to visit us last night?" ... that's when Jillian's eyes popped open as she yelled "Santa!" And she was off and running towards the Christmas tree. Bridget was still sleeping, so we had to carry her there.

The first thing Jillian saw was her new bike! Then, she saw the stockings stuffed with new things and the presents under the tree. She was all over it, pulling everything out of the stocking, then helping everyone else with theirs. She moved quickly to the presents, as well. Bridget got into it, too, helping to open up presents. They were very excited about the whole affair.

Afterwards, we went to Scott and Cindy Stephenson's to celebrate with Helen and the Paul family. Jillian continued her torrid pace, wanting to help handout Christmas presents to everyone, even as we tried our best to slow her down. Bridget had a good time playing with the dogs in their kennels, and she was always looking for something to eat.

Next, we went to the Christmas Day service at Grace Lutheran. The girls were getting a little restless after so much excitement, so Jillian headed right off to the nursery to play, while Bridget spent much of her time in the foyer. We headed home right after the service and got the girls down for a nap as fast as possible.

At 3:00 pm, the Peterson family showed up for dinner that Mommy had been working on. After a great meal, Jillian and Adam ran themselves ragged the rest of the evening, while Bridget did her best to tag along. We had some very tired girls by the evening.

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