Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Stuff XLVII

All-new, all-different, all-fun ... courtesy of those Woodruff girls:

1. "Oh for goodness sake!" : One of Jillian's favorite phrases these days.

2. "Tell you what ... / How about this ..." : This is a common sentence starter for Jillian, typically when she's trying to persuade us about something.

3. Clothes Horse : Jillian will typically go through about 3 or 4 changes of clothing in a day, usually into one of her dresses. She's got the coordination thing down, as she knows what accessory goes with each dress.

4. BFF : When we ask Jillian who she played with at pre-school, it is always "Reese". Apparently, they're good friends and spend most of their playtime with each other. And, there may be a little rivalry, since Jillian constantly talks about two other girls who only play with each other.

5. Picking Up Bridget : We have to constantly get after Jillian about her picking up Bridget. Even though she might be strong enough to do it, she's not very gentle, and it usually ends in Bridget crashing to the floor.

6. Tattletale : Now that there is a little sister to tattle on, we hear it all the time from Jillian ... "Mooooommmmm" or "Daaaaaaddddd", followed by "Bridget did ..." this or that. Not that Bridget cares much right now.

7. Self-confidence : It appears that Jillian has plenty of this. When she changed into one of her dresses and came out to show Daddy, and Daddy remarked "You look so pretty!", she responded "I know, Dad."

8. In Other People's Shoes : We typically have some pairs of shoes in the hallways, since we kick them off when going on carpet. So, Bridget is very fond of slipping into them, and then trying to walk around in them.

9. Take It and Run : Perhaps Bridget will be the little imp, always seeing what she can get away with? Well, time will tell, but she's getting good practice now, as she loves to grab things (that she knows Jillian, Mommy or Daddy want) and run off with them, giggling the whole way.

10. Mean Face : It's Cousin Meagan's trademark, and Bridget has learned it, too. She scrunches up her nose and squints her eyes, and makes a loud sniffing sound.

11. Tongue Clicks : However you describe this sound, Bridget now does it, and sometimes does it a lot.

12. Climbing Everything : Maybe this has already been mentioned, but it bears repeating. Bridget is climbing everything! We are routinely finding her standing on top of chairs, Jillian's kitchen appliances, and just about anything else she can crawl up.

13. Sippy Cups : We've begun the transition away from the bottle towards sippy cups. Bridget is pretty good at using them already, showing a dramatic flair by throwing her head back when she sips.

14. "Is it Christmas yet?" : As soon as Thanksgiving was over, we heard this from Jillian. Slowly, much of her talk is turning to plans for Christmas, like "where's our tree?"

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