Monday, July 4, 2011

Cousins' Day at the Beach

It was a busy last couple of days for the girls, as they spent it at the beach cabin playing with their cousins Ainsley, Ty, Brock, James, Parker, Auna and Rielee, along with Papa Woodruff, Grannie, Mocha, Mommy and Daddy. It was Bridget's first kids' day at the beach, so she was pretty excited about all the new stuff she got to do. Plus, it was beautifully sunny and warm, so the girls got to spend a lot of time at the beach in their swimsuits.

We started off at the Astoria Pool. Jillian's swim lessons have made her a lot bolder about getting in the water, so she was all over the place with Ainsley watching over her. She managed to find a life jacket, and then slipped into a life ring, so she could swim in the deep end. Bridget spent all her time playing in the wading pool with Daddy, and it was warmer water which was appreciated. After that, we headed to Custard King for ice cream. Then, both girls konked out on the ride home ... they were exhausted.

On Saturday, Jillian was first up in the morning, and after she and Rielee had pancakes, they went upstairs and jumped on all the kids trying to wake them up. Brock and Ty especially loved having Jillian put her knees into their heads. After everyone ate, we went to the beach. Rielee and Jillian dug in the sand and played in the water, while Bridget sat and looked around. Bridget tried eating sand a couple times and ended up not liking it, so she spent most of her time crawling around to the beach toys. Once the tide came in, we went to the dry sand for wiffle ball and football, and Rielee and Bridget enjoyed the warmer sand while Bridget caught a snooze. We finally made our way out to Full Circle Cafe for some ice cream.

That evening, we ate hot dogs and s'mores, then watched the "Cool Dog" movie. Jillian spent most of movie hiding behind Daddy, because there was a scary mean lady in it. After "See Spot Run", all the kids went to sleep pretty quickly.

On Sunday, it was another nice day, so Jillian got to spend almost all her time in the ocean. A very big sand castle was built with help from all the kids, but Jillian didn't really want to be on it. She wanted to spend all her time jumping the waves. We did that for at least an hour or more, and even after the water came up pretty high, Jillian still wanted to stay out there. She cried for awhile when we told her it was too deep and brought her in. There was another wiffle ball game and football game, where Rielee and Jillian played in the warm sand and Bridget slept, followed by more ice cream.

We finished up at the park / school playground. At Funland, Jillian played lots of games, and got some fun prizes. Then, both girls slept all the way home.

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