Thursday, February 24, 2011


It was great to have Jillian spend the night and see her when she woke
up, looking out the window at all the snow. She was so excited and couldn't wait to go outside. As soon as breakfast was finished it was time to dress her in snow clothes, which in itself took awhile, but she was definitely warmly dressed. She had to get a carrot out of the frig so she would be ready for the snowman. First thing, we had to get the sleds out. I still had to ride with her so we took a couple of runs down the hill. Then she wanted to wake up Tierney so she could sled with her. While we were waiting for Tierney, we worked on the snowman. She did a little rolling but I guess her main job was making it look like a snowman with the carrot and rocks for the eyes. She got sticks for the arms and put on the scarf I brought out. Tierney got there in time to help finish the snowman. She wore her hat that matched Jillian's hat.
Next it was off to the hill. She rode the sled with Tierney many times, laughing or smiling all the way. She got quite the workout walking back up the hill every time but she did it willingly.

They did that for quite awhile then headed inside. We weren't inside for too long when Dianne called to see if Jillian could play with Rielee since there wasn't any school. They played inside for a long time then they went out to play on the spinning teeter-totter. They had so much fun on that. It was warmer and sunny so Jillian did that for quite awhile although she didn't have snow clothes on. Her hands were freezing before she would give it up.
One tired girl came back to have lunch and take a nap.

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