Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fun at Lunch

I gave the girls a small bowl of olives with their soup.  Jillian said Daddy taught her how to eat olives.  Silly girl.  Of course Bridget was paying attention and attempted to eat them the same way but she only had a couple left.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jillian's Early Birthday Party

Jillian had her family party Saturday as that was when everyone could come.  She will have her party at pre-school on Wednesday.  She was so excited about this cake even though her theme was Hello Kitty because of the toys on the cake. 
Jillian was so excited that Adam was there.  She had a lot of fun opening presents and thanking everyone politely.  Then there was a lot of a cake high as the kids ran around having a great time. 
I had to add this picture of Bridget who couldn't scoop the ice cream on a plate with a spoon so she did the next best thing.  Good ice cream!

Friday, February 22, 2013


This is when Ava and Harper came to play and they were all absorbed in their own set of dolls.  This is right after baths before Bridget got a hair cut.  They played at the table for a very long time.  I get to dress dolls and whoever invented the clothes that goes on these dolls did not have a little child. I have a hard time dressing them.
Bridget has an "owie" on her chin where she tripped over Mommy's foot and crashed.  This shows her new haircut.  It was a little shorter than I wanted but with her curls it looks cute.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


It was a beautiful day Friday and the girls couldn't wait to get outside.  While they were playing with the jeep Rielee saw them outside and came to play.  They went full speed for two hours doing everything fun.  They did hula hoops, cars, scooters, pogo-stick, bikes, trikes, and even the teeter-totter that was still stored in the shed.
Then they all headed up to the play fort and Rielee and Jillian rode the zip lines for a long time, pretending to be Pirates.  Sometimes their ship was sinking too and they had to stay above the water.  Other times they would drop into the net.  They had a great time.  Bridget can't do the zip line yet so she stays up in the fort being a Pirate.  Rielee climbed the rock wall and Jillian tried and got about half-way.  There was no problem getting them down for naps after lunch.

Valentine's Day

It was a busy day.  First Bridget got to visit the twins who were frosting cookies.  It was the first try at leaving her there by herself.  Papa took her up and said she ran in when she got there and didn't look back.  About an hour later when I went to pick her up she didn't look at all ready to come back.  She got to bring home a plate of yummy cookies.  While she was gone Jillian got to make a lot of cards for everyone.  All the cards had to have a lot of glitter!  When Bridget got back she made a card for Mommy and Daddy and she would grab containers of glitter faster than I could keep up with her and start sprinkling everything.  Once she got the top off and threw out the whole container of glitter.  They LOVE glitter.

After lunch and naps the girls got to deliver their Valentines.  Since it was the first Thursday night in a long time without a basketball game we had a fun game night.  First they could do any Play-Doh set they wanted.  Jillian chose Cinderella first and worked a long time to make her beautiful.  Jillian chose a crazy animal one.  They did several sets.
Jillian hadn't played Candyland for a long time and was thrilled when we played.  She wanted to play that all evening.  I don't know how she was so lucky and got all the good cards to win most of the time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Baby Brother

March 19th is the date for the arrival of a new baby brother for Jillian and Bridget.  Bridget is getting a little confused as she talks about it.  She says, "I am the little sister but when brother comes I will be the big sister".  Then she says something about it and now it's backward as how can I be a big sister and a little sister too.  Jillian is pretty calm about the whole thing so far.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Heather's Belated Birthday Party

Heather's birthday was almost two weeks ago but this was the first opportunity to get everyone together with Heather's schedule and all the basketball games and volleyball tournaments.  This was when everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" and Bridget thinks they were singing to her.  She was really excited.  Then when it was over and time to blow out the candles, Bridget almost threw herself over the cake and Rick had to grab her in time before she set her clothes on fire.  You can count the candles to see how old Heather is?  Jillian missed Adam being there so she turned all her attention on Ty, Meagan, and Tierney.  That involved jumping off the ottoman onto whoever was there on the sofa, usually Ty.  It was a very nice party.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Little Visitors

Ava and Harper got to come visit Bridget all by themselves.  They had two different toys at the counter that they played with while Harper was playing at the kitchen.  After awhile Ava got down to play at the kitchen.  Then Harper came to the counter to play.  Meanwhile Bridget had tired of the one set of toys and moved to the other side. 
They played great the whole time they were here and Bridget was very good about sharing her toys.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Valentine Cooking

Bridget took this rolling and cutting out sugar cookies for Valentines very seriously.  She didn't want any help after I showed her how to do one. 

Jillian was very serious too about getting her cookies perfect.  She made each one different.
Bridget was very proud of her cookies when she was done!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Last Home Game

It was the last home basketball game for Tierney and Macee so there were a lot of relatives there.  Jillian had a good time playing with Rielee, Ava, and Harper.  Auna was trying to keep some order which she is good at.  There were several other girls there that Jillian and Rielee played with also. 

This is my try at a picture of Jillian and Bridget with Tierney after the game.  Bridget has her tongue out and Jillian is smiling a big cheesy smile.  By the time I took some more with Bridget with her tongue still out and Jillian hiding behind her arm and both of them wiggling, Tierney fell over and that turned out to be the best and most natural picture.  Go figure.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Under the Weather

Poor Bridget has been running a low grade fever the past couple days.  When she woke up from her nap she was a little warm and Papa was sitting on the couch with the heating pad on his back, so they watched Dora together for awhile.